Assalamualaikum. Hey. How's it goin'?
Fuh. Paper Biology is finally over. Susah? Of course la. Haish...Lepas habis paper tu call my parents. Baba cakap, "Okay aa tuh susah. Kalo tak susah senang-senang je la semua orang masuk foundation." Pastu my father cerita pasal ular la, mama kene sengat dengan scorpion la. Just trying to make me laugh. :) Thank you mama, baba. Without you guys, my world wouldn't shine as bright as now.
Nak balik kolej tadi memang macam challenge dalam Biggest Loser la. Dari fakulti naik tangga panjang macam batu caves punye style. Pastu jaaaaalaaaaaaannnn...sampai la kolej. Tak cukup dengan tu, lif penuh cam tin sardin. Supposed ade dua lif but tak fix-fix lagi. So sampai sekarang lif tu jadi pameran je. -.- (Nak complaint nanti kene sindir dengan orang kolej tuh. Tepapentah.)
Naik aa tangga kolej sampai tingkat 5. Alhamdulillah duduk kt level 5. Kalo kat level 9 memang sakit la. Aku fikir la, kalo camni everyday memang turun dalam 5, 10 kg. Sedap jugak. -.-
Sampai bilik terus tebongkang tidur. Tengah sedap-sedap telelap, tetibe dengar bunyik suara housemateku yang sangat nyaring. Die menjerit. Mungkin gembira.
Aku pun tebangun. Tau tak feeling yang tekejut sebab orang tetibe menjerit mase kau tengah tidur? Atau perasaannyer sama seperti sewaktu kau sedang membuang air besar tiba-tiba ade orang ketuk pintu tanya, "Lama lagi ke?" FFFUUUUUU....Perasaan yang tak best. Sangat tak cool.
But no matter what it is, aku bersyukur. :) Aku suka dengan hari-hari yang aku tempuhi kat sini. Allah S.W.T. memberi peluang kepada aku untuk terus menjalani kehidupan yang selesa. Semoga ku tak gunakan nikmat ni ke jalan yang salah. Amin.
Em? Kenape dengan kasut pink? Header tu langsung tak de kene ngene dengan entry kali ni ek? Sebenarnye kakakku belikan aku sepasang kasut nike original yang berharga RM 104. Aku taknak sebab die mahal tapi kakakku insist. Warna die pink. Aku suka la jugak. Sayang kasut tu sebab kakak aku beli dengan harga mahal. Aku pakai pegi kelas. Sebelum ni tak sedar tapi rupenyer ramai mengumpat aku dengan kasut tu. Aku tak tau ape yang tak kene tapi manusia-manusia tu tengok aku dengan kasut aku, gelak. Sedih. Kau tak tahu betape kakak aku kerja keras untuk beli kasut tu untuk aku. Suka-suka kau kritik. Cis. Esok lusa kalo kau takdak kasut nak pakai baru kau tau betape bestnye kalau ade kasut macam aku.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Neglected much?
Assalamualaikum. Hey, how's it goin'?
Not many may noticed but..aku ade something yang tak pernah nak hilang dari dalam diri aku sejak...masuk MRSM. MRSM? Oh...Baru lah jugak kan...em..
Dari aku tingkatan 4, aku ade 1 komplikasi. Bukan ape, it's just..friends matter. Okay, I know. Many teenagers selalu ade masalah ni. "Die tak suke aku sebab crush die suke aku."; "Rupe-rupenyer die jeles dengan aku"...Blah, blah, blah...some sorts like that. Yeah I admit. Aku pun camtu. But kalo yang jenis camtu jadi time aku form 1 sampai form 3. Tapi! Walaupun gaduh each year, the friendship is still going strong during those years. Sekarang biase je la sebab dah tak selalu contact. Aku pun tak tahu kenape.
The story change as the time goes on. Bile masuk MRSM, aku jadi lain. Kat sini takde 1 guy pun yang suke kat aku. Hehe. Malu pulak nak ngaku. Tak feymes. Tak cantik. Dan aku desperate untuk cari kawan. Susah sangat nak cari kawan. Apetah lagi kawan baik. Hmm..aku ade masalah bersosial? Mungkin. Haish..Kalo ade kawan, aku excited gilaaa. Aku nak cerita semua benda kat diorang. Aku bagitahu crush aku sape, aku bagitahu aku benci sape, aku entrust semua secret aku kt diorang. Desperate nak kawan. Thats why la. Kawan takkan datang kalo aku tak cerita bende hangat-hangat. Diorang suke gosip. Aku bagi diorang gosip.
Tapi tau-tau esoknya......
Cerita pasal aku semua tesebar. Aku kene kutuk. Yang bestnye, crush aku pun kutuk aku. Aku rase lonely sangat. Kawan-kawan aku tu, diorang kate, "Takpe..sabar je..jangan nangis..diorang tu memang jahat la" In the end, die lak usha crush aku. What a joke...
Ok lah! Tu smue cerita MRSM dulu-dulu. Aku just nak story yang aku ni memang susah nak cari kawan. Aku tak tau nak buat ape, nak cakap ape. Orang selalu kate, "Kau jadilah diri sendiri. Takyah peduli kate orang lain. Jangan biar orang ubah diri kau." Kau ingat senang? Kalo jadi diri sendiri tapi orang tetap benci macam mane? Aku tak tau tang mane diri aku ni yang teruk sangat. Orang tak selesa dengan aku. Kenape? It is my perangai? Aku gedik sangat ke? Aku...mintak maaf atas kegedikkan aku. Lagi? Aku buat ape lagi? Aku nak tahu...aku nak ubah...
Sebenarnya, to tell you the truth, aku takde lah gedik mane. Aku belakon je semua tuh. Aku cakap aku crush kat die tu, die ni semua sebab aku nak ade topik perbualan. Aku cerita pasal diriku, diorang tak minat. Seriously. Aku tau. Kisah hidup aku takdelah menarik. Tapi kalo aku tak buat camni aku diorang tak pandang aku.
I'm not a very good friend. Yes I know. Tapi kalo kawan-kawan aku ade masalah, aku akan cube sedaya upaya untuk tolong. Aku tak tipu. Aku tak tau diorang nampak tak bende tu dalam diri aku. Diorang boleh cari aku bile diorang susah. Diorang boleh tinggalkan aku bile diorang senang. Tapi bile diorang susah balik, aku tetap akan tolong.
Sekarang ni aku feel like, kawan-kawan aku menjauhi aku. Kenapa? Aku je ke yang perasan? Especially Daia. Daia kenape? Aku ade wat salah ke? Ye, aku dah lame tak lepak dengan korang. Tak makan malam sekali. Ajakkan korang semua aku tolak. To tell you the truth, aku malas nak turun raff. Aku fikir bile-bile aku bole jumpe korang. Mungkin ni perasaan aku tapi, aku betul-betul terase dengan action kau baru-baru ni. Mungkin kau akan jawab, "Aku memang macam ni" Sori. Aku tak kenal kau dengan lebih mendalam lagi.
Member kelas pun. A (bukan nama sebenar) berkata "Alaa..Sem depan tuka group..." B (bukan nama sebenar), C (bukan nama sebenar) & aku tersenyum tawar. Lalu A menyambung, "Mane boleh..nak B dengan C..." Aku menunggu nameku disebut. Lama. 3 minit kemudian die menukar topik lain. Aku sedapkan hati. 'Aku temasuk sekali la dalam tu kot' fikirku. Hehe..Pathetic.
Ape kene aku ni...Puas aku fikir. Haish. Sebenarnye panjang lagi komplikasi aku ni..Tapi kalo cerita panjang lebar bukannya ade pembaca pun. :) Well. I keep the rest to myself.
P/S: The first day aku masuk UiTM Puncak Alam ni, aku tanam tekad, 'aku takkan terikat dengan mane-mane manusia. Tak kira la boipren ke, gelfren ke, aku taknak manusia bername kawan kat sini. Nanti aku ade komplikasi ni lagi. Thats the main reason aku act like kera sumbang mse first week start kuliah. But I can't. I need friends. I need people. I'm not a monkey.
Not many may noticed but..aku ade something yang tak pernah nak hilang dari dalam diri aku sejak...masuk MRSM. MRSM? Oh...Baru lah jugak kan...em..
Dari aku tingkatan 4, aku ade 1 komplikasi. Bukan ape, it's just..friends matter. Okay, I know. Many teenagers selalu ade masalah ni. "Die tak suke aku sebab crush die suke aku."; "Rupe-rupenyer die jeles dengan aku"...Blah, blah, blah...some sorts like that. Yeah I admit. Aku pun camtu. But kalo yang jenis camtu jadi time aku form 1 sampai form 3. Tapi! Walaupun gaduh each year, the friendship is still going strong during those years. Sekarang biase je la sebab dah tak selalu contact. Aku pun tak tahu kenape.
The story change as the time goes on. Bile masuk MRSM, aku jadi lain. Kat sini takde 1 guy pun yang suke kat aku. Hehe. Malu pulak nak ngaku. Tak feymes. Tak cantik. Dan aku desperate untuk cari kawan. Susah sangat nak cari kawan. Apetah lagi kawan baik. Hmm..aku ade masalah bersosial? Mungkin. Haish..Kalo ade kawan, aku excited gilaaa. Aku nak cerita semua benda kat diorang. Aku bagitahu crush aku sape, aku bagitahu aku benci sape, aku entrust semua secret aku kt diorang. Desperate nak kawan. Thats why la. Kawan takkan datang kalo aku tak cerita bende hangat-hangat. Diorang suke gosip. Aku bagi diorang gosip.
Tapi tau-tau esoknya......
Cerita pasal aku semua tesebar. Aku kene kutuk. Yang bestnye, crush aku pun kutuk aku. Aku rase lonely sangat. Kawan-kawan aku tu, diorang kate, "Takpe..sabar je..jangan nangis..diorang tu memang jahat la" In the end, die lak usha crush aku. What a joke...
Ok lah! Tu smue cerita MRSM dulu-dulu. Aku just nak story yang aku ni memang susah nak cari kawan. Aku tak tau nak buat ape, nak cakap ape. Orang selalu kate, "Kau jadilah diri sendiri. Takyah peduli kate orang lain. Jangan biar orang ubah diri kau." Kau ingat senang? Kalo jadi diri sendiri tapi orang tetap benci macam mane? Aku tak tau tang mane diri aku ni yang teruk sangat. Orang tak selesa dengan aku. Kenape? It is my perangai? Aku gedik sangat ke? Aku...mintak maaf atas kegedikkan aku. Lagi? Aku buat ape lagi? Aku nak tahu...aku nak ubah...
Sebenarnya, to tell you the truth, aku takde lah gedik mane. Aku belakon je semua tuh. Aku cakap aku crush kat die tu, die ni semua sebab aku nak ade topik perbualan. Aku cerita pasal diriku, diorang tak minat. Seriously. Aku tau. Kisah hidup aku takdelah menarik. Tapi kalo aku tak buat camni aku diorang tak pandang aku.
I'm not a very good friend. Yes I know. Tapi kalo kawan-kawan aku ade masalah, aku akan cube sedaya upaya untuk tolong. Aku tak tipu. Aku tak tau diorang nampak tak bende tu dalam diri aku. Diorang boleh cari aku bile diorang susah. Diorang boleh tinggalkan aku bile diorang senang. Tapi bile diorang susah balik, aku tetap akan tolong.
Sekarang ni aku feel like, kawan-kawan aku menjauhi aku. Kenapa? Aku je ke yang perasan? Especially Daia. Daia kenape? Aku ade wat salah ke? Ye, aku dah lame tak lepak dengan korang. Tak makan malam sekali. Ajakkan korang semua aku tolak. To tell you the truth, aku malas nak turun raff. Aku fikir bile-bile aku bole jumpe korang. Mungkin ni perasaan aku tapi, aku betul-betul terase dengan action kau baru-baru ni. Mungkin kau akan jawab, "Aku memang macam ni" Sori. Aku tak kenal kau dengan lebih mendalam lagi.
Member kelas pun. A (bukan nama sebenar) berkata "Alaa..Sem depan tuka group..." B (bukan nama sebenar), C (bukan nama sebenar) & aku tersenyum tawar. Lalu A menyambung, "Mane boleh..nak B dengan C..." Aku menunggu nameku disebut. Lama. 3 minit kemudian die menukar topik lain. Aku sedapkan hati. 'Aku temasuk sekali la dalam tu kot' fikirku. Hehe..Pathetic.
Ape kene aku ni...Puas aku fikir. Haish. Sebenarnye panjang lagi komplikasi aku ni..Tapi kalo cerita panjang lebar bukannya ade pembaca pun. :) Well. I keep the rest to myself.
P/S: The first day aku masuk UiTM Puncak Alam ni, aku tanam tekad, 'aku takkan terikat dengan mane-mane manusia. Tak kira la boipren ke, gelfren ke, aku taknak manusia bername kawan kat sini. Nanti aku ade komplikasi ni lagi. Thats the main reason aku act like kera sumbang mse first week start kuliah. But I can't. I need friends. I need people. I'm not a monkey.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
We were never meant to be together.
Sekarang, aku rasa sangat sedih. Aku patutnye tengah buat assignment aku yang belambak nih. Tapi hati aku tak dapat nak tahan. Aku nak luahkan segala-galanye kat blog aku. Aku...tak tau nak overcome macam mane sorang-sorang. Aku sedih. Syamir da fly ke Jordan semalam. Aku ingat aku boleh tahan tak menangis gile-gile tapi, aku tak dapat. Its an unrequitted love. Aku suka Syamir dari form 4. Orang tanye, kenape kau suke die? Aku..tak tau nak jawab ape. Can't suke be a reason? Does love really need a reason? Aku just suke die. Its a feeling that I can't never stop. Aku da cuba. Aku sdar diri aku tak layak dengan Syamir. Die alim, soleh. He's totally out of my league. Aku takkan dapat cecah hati die walau macam mane pun. Semalam aku pegi KLIA. Aku sewa kete. Aku mintak kebenaran ayah aku nk pegi KLIA. Aku anticipating untuk sampai sane. Aku harapkan dapat bg die key chain yang dari form 5 aku blikn untuk die. Aku harapkan aku dapat tangkap gamba dgn die. But in reality...satu pun tak jadi.
Sampai kat sane aku solat mahgrib. Aku doa kt Allah S.W.T. agar ape yang aku buat ni adakah Allah redha. Aku mintak barakahNya. Aku tak mahu dimurkai Yang Maha Kuasa. Walaupun aku tau..aku datang untuk jumpe die for the last time before die balek Malaysia for who knows when, but still..I don't want the pertemuan to know..based on nafsu and kemurkaan Yang Maha Esa.
When my friends and I jumpe die kt airport, I was like..froze kat tengah-tengah airport tuh. Aku shaking and blushing gile nampak die. My girls nampak la muke aku yang merah tu. Aku salam mak die. Aku tengok je die yang tengah busy dapat call sane sini, taking pictures. Plan yang aku rancang dari malam semalam memang hapus camtu je la. Then membe-membe lelaki kitorang take pictures of us altogether. So macam ok la jugak. Ade gamba group. Then he asked me, "Datang dari mane?" Aku pun dengan belagak coolnyer jawab. Ya Allah..Tuhan je la tau betape gigilnyer aku mase tuh. Pastu membe aku sebelah jawab, "kitorang lak datang nek ni, ni, ni...." haha~shes trying to avoid awkward moment kot. Membe aku yang laen cakap kat aku, "Kau pegi cakap dengan die kau nk tangkap gamba dengan die." HA?? Wey..segan kot!! Dahla family die ade kat situ. Lame gile aku tunggu shyness aku tu hilang. Die lak pegi situ sane, busy lagi. Dah cukup kudrat dan keberanian aku, aku pon mintak nak begamba dengan die. Die kate "Kejap." Rupe-rupenyer die nak bagi ucapan terima kasih kat semua orang yang datang hantar die. Pastu aku tetunggu-tunggu lagi janji die.
Aku tak dapat. Nampaknyer tak de rezeki aku nak ber-moment dengan die. Takpelah. Aku redha. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Biarlah Dia yang menentukan jodoh aku siapa. Ya Allah..tabahkanlah hati hambaMu yang lemah lagi hina ini. Aku hanyalah insan biasa. Namun aku masih bersyukur aku masih mengingatiMu ya Allah..
Kat bawah ni kata-kata kawan baikku Nur Amalia. Berjurai air mata aku bile baca ni. Terima kasih sahabat :)
Dan jika memang 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu tak memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara di dunia nyata, biarkan ia tetap diam ...
Jika dia memang bukan milikmu, Allah, melalui waktu akan menghapus 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu dengan memberi rasa yang lebih indah dan orang yang tepat ...
Biarkan 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu menjadi memori tersendiri dan sudut hatimu menjadi rahsia antara kau dengan Sang Pemilik hatimu ...
Cintailah ia dalam diam, dari kejauhan, dengan kesederhanaan dan keikhlasan...
Ketika cinta kini hadir tidaklah untuk Yang Maha Mengetahui saat secercah rasa tidak lagi tercipta untuk Yang Maha Pencipta izinkanlah hati bertanya untuk siapa ia muncul dengan tiba-tiba...mungkinkah dengan ridha-Nya atau hanya mengundang murka-Nya...
Jika benar cinta itu karena Allah maka biarkanlah ia mengalir mengikuti aliran Allah karena hakikatnya ia berhulu dari Allahmaka ia pun berhilir hanya kepada Allah..
Sekarang, aku rasa sangat sedih. Aku patutnye tengah buat assignment aku yang belambak nih. Tapi hati aku tak dapat nak tahan. Aku nak luahkan segala-galanye kat blog aku. Aku...tak tau nak overcome macam mane sorang-sorang. Aku sedih. Syamir da fly ke Jordan semalam. Aku ingat aku boleh tahan tak menangis gile-gile tapi, aku tak dapat. Its an unrequitted love. Aku suka Syamir dari form 4. Orang tanye, kenape kau suke die? Aku..tak tau nak jawab ape. Can't suke be a reason? Does love really need a reason? Aku just suke die. Its a feeling that I can't never stop. Aku da cuba. Aku sdar diri aku tak layak dengan Syamir. Die alim, soleh. He's totally out of my league. Aku takkan dapat cecah hati die walau macam mane pun. Semalam aku pegi KLIA. Aku sewa kete. Aku mintak kebenaran ayah aku nk pegi KLIA. Aku anticipating untuk sampai sane. Aku harapkan dapat bg die key chain yang dari form 5 aku blikn untuk die. Aku harapkan aku dapat tangkap gamba dgn die. But in reality...satu pun tak jadi.
Sampai kat sane aku solat mahgrib. Aku doa kt Allah S.W.T. agar ape yang aku buat ni adakah Allah redha. Aku mintak barakahNya. Aku tak mahu dimurkai Yang Maha Kuasa. Walaupun aku tau..aku datang untuk jumpe die for the last time before die balek Malaysia for who knows when, but still..I don't want the pertemuan to know..based on nafsu and kemurkaan Yang Maha Esa.
When my friends and I jumpe die kt airport, I was like..froze kat tengah-tengah airport tuh. Aku shaking and blushing gile nampak die. My girls nampak la muke aku yang merah tu. Aku salam mak die. Aku tengok je die yang tengah busy dapat call sane sini, taking pictures. Plan yang aku rancang dari malam semalam memang hapus camtu je la. Then membe-membe lelaki kitorang take pictures of us altogether. So macam ok la jugak. Ade gamba group. Then he asked me, "Datang dari mane?" Aku pun dengan belagak coolnyer jawab. Ya Allah..Tuhan je la tau betape gigilnyer aku mase tuh. Pastu membe aku sebelah jawab, "kitorang lak datang nek ni, ni, ni...." haha~shes trying to avoid awkward moment kot. Membe aku yang laen cakap kat aku, "Kau pegi cakap dengan die kau nk tangkap gamba dengan die." HA?? Wey..segan kot!! Dahla family die ade kat situ. Lame gile aku tunggu shyness aku tu hilang. Die lak pegi situ sane, busy lagi. Dah cukup kudrat dan keberanian aku, aku pon mintak nak begamba dengan die. Die kate "Kejap." Rupe-rupenyer die nak bagi ucapan terima kasih kat semua orang yang datang hantar die. Pastu aku tetunggu-tunggu lagi janji die.
Aku tak dapat. Nampaknyer tak de rezeki aku nak ber-moment dengan die. Takpelah. Aku redha. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Biarlah Dia yang menentukan jodoh aku siapa. Ya Allah..tabahkanlah hati hambaMu yang lemah lagi hina ini. Aku hanyalah insan biasa. Namun aku masih bersyukur aku masih mengingatiMu ya Allah..
Kat bawah ni kata-kata kawan baikku Nur Amalia. Berjurai air mata aku bile baca ni. Terima kasih sahabat :)
Dan jika memang 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu tak memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara di dunia nyata, biarkan ia tetap diam ...
Jika dia memang bukan milikmu, Allah, melalui waktu akan menghapus 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu dengan memberi rasa yang lebih indah dan orang yang tepat ...
Biarkan 'Cinta Dalam Diammu' itu menjadi memori tersendiri dan sudut hatimu menjadi rahsia antara kau dengan Sang Pemilik hatimu ...
Cintailah ia dalam diam, dari kejauhan, dengan kesederhanaan dan keikhlasan...
Ketika cinta kini hadir tidaklah untuk Yang Maha Mengetahui saat secercah rasa tidak lagi tercipta untuk Yang Maha Pencipta izinkanlah hati bertanya untuk siapa ia muncul dengan tiba-tiba...mungkinkah dengan ridha-Nya atau hanya mengundang murka-Nya...
Jika benar cinta itu karena Allah maka biarkanlah ia mengalir mengikuti aliran Allah karena hakikatnya ia berhulu dari Allahmaka ia pun berhilir hanya kepada Allah..
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Takdir? :)
Dah masuk dua minggu aku di-occupied oleh assignment. Aku tak tau camne nak habiskan. In fact, aku tak rase pun assignment aku ni akan habis.
At time like this, ramai la membe2 aku dapat call from their boyfriend. Aku tau ape yang korang fikir. "So? Kau nak jeles la dengan diorang?" HAH! Memang aa.. Takkan tak terdetik sikit pon kat hati aku tak jeles. Aku pun perempuan normal yang suke bende2 gini. Nak wat camne kan..Memang la macam tah ape2 tapi da terase, nak wat camne?
Aku pun terfikir la..Nak gak ade tempat mengadu cam dorang. Nak gak ade orang habiskan kredit dorang untuk aku..Nak gak dapat hadiah gedik2 bile besday..Mule la pikir macam2 time bulan ramadhan nih. Dah la syaitan kene ikat. Fikir lagi bende2 gini. Nampak sangat nafsu semata.....
So aku pun doa la banyak2 kat Allah S.W.T. untuk dijauhkan terhadap keinginan untuk ber-couple. Aku da sedia maklum da bende ni tak bagus. Aku share la ape yang aku rase ni kat kawan2 aku.. Aku cakap la itu ini. Pastu sorang membe aku ni cakap, "Takpe. Semoga Allah balas kesabaran kau dengan menemukan kau dengan orang yang baik...." :'D Aku sangat terharu dengan kata-kata die. Banyak kebenarannyer.
Pastu aku belek2 la facebook the next day. Aku nampak guy alim yang aku suke time kat maktab dulu post kat group, "tiada cinta yang diberkati jikalau permulaannya adalah kemurkaan dari Allah" MasyaAllah....hahaha..die macam dapat baca pulak fikiran aku :) Mungkin Allah menggerakkan hati die untuk post sentence begitu supaya menyedarkan aku? (Ceywah! Perasan la pulak! :P)
Ape2 pun, aku da sedar. Aku suka ayat die. Aku takkan cari sampailah jodoh aku yang ditentukan oleh Allah datang. :) Aku akan tunggu~~
At time like this, ramai la membe2 aku dapat call from their boyfriend. Aku tau ape yang korang fikir. "So? Kau nak jeles la dengan diorang?" HAH! Memang aa.. Takkan tak terdetik sikit pon kat hati aku tak jeles. Aku pun perempuan normal yang suke bende2 gini. Nak wat camne kan..Memang la macam tah ape2 tapi da terase, nak wat camne?
Aku pun terfikir la..Nak gak ade tempat mengadu cam dorang. Nak gak ade orang habiskan kredit dorang untuk aku..Nak gak dapat hadiah gedik2 bile besday..Mule la pikir macam2 time bulan ramadhan nih. Dah la syaitan kene ikat. Fikir lagi bende2 gini. Nampak sangat nafsu semata.....
So aku pun doa la banyak2 kat Allah S.W.T. untuk dijauhkan terhadap keinginan untuk ber-couple. Aku da sedia maklum da bende ni tak bagus. Aku share la ape yang aku rase ni kat kawan2 aku.. Aku cakap la itu ini. Pastu sorang membe aku ni cakap, "Takpe. Semoga Allah balas kesabaran kau dengan menemukan kau dengan orang yang baik...." :'D Aku sangat terharu dengan kata-kata die. Banyak kebenarannyer.
Pastu aku belek2 la facebook the next day. Aku nampak guy alim yang aku suke time kat maktab dulu post kat group, "tiada cinta yang diberkati jikalau permulaannya adalah kemurkaan dari Allah" MasyaAllah....hahaha..die macam dapat baca pulak fikiran aku :) Mungkin Allah menggerakkan hati die untuk post sentence begitu supaya menyedarkan aku? (Ceywah! Perasan la pulak! :P)
Ape2 pun, aku da sedar. Aku suka ayat die. Aku takkan cari sampailah jodoh aku yang ditentukan oleh Allah datang. :) Aku akan tunggu~~
Friday, 12 August 2011
Hello everyone.
Its has been a very tough week for me.
I have loads and loads of assignment to do.
I have an outdoor filming to do.
Also, today I involved in an argument with my lecture.
Well. Kinda.
I was trying to persuade her.
Because she refused to evaluate our lab reports due to our mistakes.
Thank God, finally she agreed. I think she was just testing us.
But oh well...
And also..I have a speaking test today.
I felt like I couldn't talk much. Because one of my teammates got carried away with her points.
Oh well...Its already over. Thank God.
I feel so tired.
It has been a very tiresome week for me. And its not even the end of the week.
Its has been a very tough week for me.
I have loads and loads of assignment to do.
I have an outdoor filming to do.
Also, today I involved in an argument with my lecture.
Well. Kinda.
I was trying to persuade her.
Because she refused to evaluate our lab reports due to our mistakes.
Thank God, finally she agreed. I think she was just testing us.
But oh well...
And also..I have a speaking test today.
I felt like I couldn't talk much. Because one of my teammates got carried away with her points.
Oh well...Its already over. Thank God.
I feel so tired.
It has been a very tiresome week for me. And its not even the end of the week.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Dream..Dream..When will it come true? =_=
Hello, minna-san~ \(^o^)/
Today is a great day as usual. I woke up 11.00 a.m. in the morning and started doing chores. I feel great! This is mostly because of the dream I dreamt about last night. I dreamt about KAT-TUN!! XD What a kya! kya! dream~~ Okay, let me tell you guys about it.
After they (KAT-TUN) finished doing concert near my house, I came to Nakamaru Yuichi. I spoke in I-just-learn-Japanese-language kind of way to him. I said, "Nakamaru, can I get your autographs?" He looked back at me but then he turned back. He waved his hand to define that he ignoring me. What a total jerk he is in my dream....=__= But I insisted. I went after him and said,"Can you just give me your autograph? As a return. (In my dream, which I dunno why, I lend my 'bungalow' to KAT-TUN as their shelter.) Pretty awesome huh? XD Nakamaru turned at me and he signed my book. Haha~~ <3
The best part is Ueda Tatsuya. When I saw him in my dream, I asked for his autographs too. (I wonder why I don't request any other, hugs..KYAA!!XD) He looked at me with his angelic smile~~Aughh..I'm dead..\(*o*)/ He wrote his number too but I didn't see it clearly...(Why..Why..(T-T)..) But he is a gentleman..unlike Nakamaru! :D Hahaha~~
I spoke with Taguchi Junnosuke too~ He corrected my Japanese and he was very cool! Yeah! Tanaka Koki too. He simply signed for me without hesitation. Kamenashi Kazuya...didn't see him though. But I saw his autographs in my book. After all that, they went back to who-knows-where in my dream..Awww..I felt so sad because I wanna see them again.. What an unsatisfying dream...
Today is a great day as usual. I woke up 11.00 a.m. in the morning and started doing chores. I feel great! This is mostly because of the dream I dreamt about last night. I dreamt about KAT-TUN!! XD What a kya! kya! dream~~ Okay, let me tell you guys about it.
After they (KAT-TUN) finished doing concert near my house, I came to Nakamaru Yuichi. I spoke in I-just-learn-Japanese-language kind of way to him. I said, "Nakamaru, can I get your autographs?" He looked back at me but then he turned back. He waved his hand to define that he ignoring me. What a total jerk he is in my dream....=__= But I insisted. I went after him and said,"Can you just give me your autograph? As a return. (In my dream, which I dunno why, I lend my 'bungalow' to KAT-TUN as their shelter.) Pretty awesome huh? XD Nakamaru turned at me and he signed my book. Haha~~ <3
The best part is Ueda Tatsuya. When I saw him in my dream, I asked for his autographs too. (I wonder why I don't request any other, hugs..KYAA!!XD) He looked at me with his angelic smile~~Aughh..I'm dead..\(*o*)/ He wrote his number too but I didn't see it clearly...(Why..Why..(T-T)..) But he is a gentleman..unlike Nakamaru! :D Hahaha~~
I spoke with Taguchi Junnosuke too~ He corrected my Japanese and he was very cool! Yeah! Tanaka Koki too. He simply signed for me without hesitation. Kamenashi Kazuya...didn't see him though. But I saw his autographs in my book. After all that, they went back to who-knows-where in my dream..Awww..I felt so sad because I wanna see them again.. What an unsatisfying dream...
wawawawawa~~~ Uepi~~XD
Its only in your dream silly...Hahaha~ But its seems so real! >.<
Hi hi~ \(^o^)/
This post is going to be about these mobile drama which I wanna watch...sooooo BADLY! *_* The first one is Teddy Bear~
Teddy Bear (Keitai Drama) Starring: Kaku Kento, Kiritani Mirei
*O* GAAHHHH!! Why the Japanese produced a mobile drama? (which is un-download-able..) =_=
I really want to watch this drama despite all the bad reviews about Kiritani Mirei's bad acting, or a super duper bad ending. I couldn't get away with the fact that Kaku Kento-san is the main cast~ <3 Fell in love with him since Q10. <3 _ <3
Left: Sato Takeru, Kaku Kento <3
The hotness continue in...
Asuko March!
Kaku Kento as Tamaki Makoto..he as a second hero though...But still the HOTTEST!
Next is Beautiful Love. Starring Aya Omasa and Micky Yoochun. I loved Aya-chan acting in Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. You guys should watch it! ( Kamenashi Kazuya from KAT-TUN as Takano Kyohei! >,< ) I thought that Micky wasn't good enough to be Aya-chan's hero but after watching Sungkyungkwan Scandal, he is actually cute!
Cute ne~? ^.^
*O* woah! wuuwoohh!
T-T I can only obtaining these in Google..
GAHHHH!! How cruel...T_______T and finally (probably) this! Party is Over~
Augh! *O* Everyone anticipating this! Narimiya Hiroki and Riisa-chan
Nagayama Kento and Naka Riisa~ not bad though..But Narimiya still wins~
Keisuke Koide...still has the Masumi (Nodame Cantabile) image on him..
Naahhh...Hayashi Kento is just too awkard.
Er..who is this again? Can't remember him much though..=_=
Who will you choose Riisa-chan?! Please say Narimiya-kun~ (>,<) I like watching her in 'The girl who leapt through time'. She's just too real :)
Friday, 22 July 2011
Which would you turn into?
Assalamualaikum...Hey readers.
Lately, I realized something. Ape yg akn ubah aku? Dunia? Atau akhirat?
I see people around me. I observe. Aku bukak facebook. What I see? Many types of people. Once I knew, dlu pkai tudung. Skang tak. Why? I dunno. Ask them.
People change, from time to time. What makes them change? The World.
U know, dunia could be a scary place sometimes. Kite sng je leka. Tak yah masuk citer pegi kelab malam, minum arak, brothel smue2. Kat rumah pon bole leka dgn dunia. Example? Internet.
Seriously? Why? Aku pkai ok je. Tak de leka. Solat jage. Tak tgk pon porn2 ke, bende x elok. Tak smue la weyh...Maybe. Tapi ape yg aku nmpk, ade tuh 1 hari tgk utube. Tah ape rancangan pon aku x tau. Seronok ke? Lawak sme taraf dgn 'maharaja lawak' je..Tgk smpai lewat malam. Pastu pagi esok xleh bgn subuh. Stay up, stay up jgk. Tapi subuh tu jgn la tggl. Look. Kalau xde org kejut die n mmg mse tuh die x seda lgsg bole la qada solatnyer. Tapi! Dah kejut byk kali, die da seda da pon..still x nk bangun. Aku sedih la wei...
See? Even duk umah je pon bole lekakan kite. What about sebaliknyer? Mase kt boarding school, baek, pkai tudung, solat, doa khusyuk! But now? Shes wearing a bikini! Tank top! And proudly present herself to the public. I don't want to burukkan name die but..she has done it herself. I was really, really scared that will happen to the muslims..How are we gonna face our Creator, the Almighty in the afterlife?
I was so so scared of the world. Bukan maksud aku takut ape. Aku..tak nak dunia ubah aku. Yes, mungkin aku seda skang tapi? What about the next day? Next hour? or even..sesaat lagi? Will I remember these things?
Look, if you out there reading my blog, no matter what religion are you, Don't ever let the world changes
you. Living in the world, needs money. Living in the world, needs somebody to be there with you. Living in the world, needs beliefs. And that is..the one and only. =)
Lately, I realized something. Ape yg akn ubah aku? Dunia? Atau akhirat?
I see people around me. I observe. Aku bukak facebook. What I see? Many types of people. Once I knew, dlu pkai tudung. Skang tak. Why? I dunno. Ask them.
People change, from time to time. What makes them change? The World.
U know, dunia could be a scary place sometimes. Kite sng je leka. Tak yah masuk citer pegi kelab malam, minum arak, brothel smue2. Kat rumah pon bole leka dgn dunia. Example? Internet.
Seriously? Why? Aku pkai ok je. Tak de leka. Solat jage. Tak tgk pon porn2 ke, bende x elok. Tak smue la weyh...Maybe. Tapi ape yg aku nmpk, ade tuh 1 hari tgk utube. Tah ape rancangan pon aku x tau. Seronok ke? Lawak sme taraf dgn 'maharaja lawak' je..Tgk smpai lewat malam. Pastu pagi esok xleh bgn subuh. Stay up, stay up jgk. Tapi subuh tu jgn la tggl. Look. Kalau xde org kejut die n mmg mse tuh die x seda lgsg bole la qada solatnyer. Tapi! Dah kejut byk kali, die da seda da pon..still x nk bangun. Aku sedih la wei...
See? Even duk umah je pon bole lekakan kite. What about sebaliknyer? Mase kt boarding school, baek, pkai tudung, solat, doa khusyuk! But now? Shes wearing a bikini! Tank top! And proudly present herself to the public. I don't want to burukkan name die but..she has done it herself. I was really, really scared that will happen to the muslims..How are we gonna face our Creator, the Almighty in the afterlife?
I was so so scared of the world. Bukan maksud aku takut ape. Aku..tak nak dunia ubah aku. Yes, mungkin aku seda skang tapi? What about the next day? Next hour? or even..sesaat lagi? Will I remember these things?
Look, if you out there reading my blog, no matter what religion are you, Don't ever let the world changes
you. Living in the world, needs money. Living in the world, needs somebody to be there with you. Living in the world, needs beliefs. And that is..the one and only. =)
Thursday, 14 July 2011
COol, niCE BuT DEpResSiNg
Hey Hey Hey~ :D
Exam dah habis. Ok, bukan exam tapi TEST. Even test pon just ckup2 mkn. Cmne nih? Kate nk jadi org hebad...Tp bile pk2 balek, takkanla nk give up separuh jln. But then..sumpah ckap aku x bole sgt la nk catch up dgn study kt cni..especially physics. Yang laen2 sbjek uh da terase da bahangnyer. Hmm...Kuat ke aku? Ntah la weyh..
Mesti cam korg rse, "Haa..die da pnat tulis dlm english. Yeah..kekadang uh ssh nk expresskn ape yg aku rase dlm english (sbb vocab x luas n asek kne tgk so aku pon cam mls nk tulis fancy2. Kalo cerpen aku dlm english la..but bende2 laen dlm bm. Lg sng. Bahasa jiwa bangsa.
Esok 15 Julai 2011, Jumaat, ktorg (bdk2 uitm puncak alam) dgn gembirenye akn balek umah...YEAH!! Tp sok la pulak kelas BEL(english) nk extend mase..DUHH!! Aku tak nak ganti2. Aku nak balek. Semua nk balek. Ok cbe pk la kan..Sape je akn fokus dlm klas BEL yg membosankn uh kalo pluang utk balek umah dah d'tarik? Sape? SAPE? Bdk 4.00 pon nak balek umah tau dok?! Haishh...ape lah...Ya Allah..Moga2 tiada lah klas BEL sok...aminnn....
Sunday, 10 July 2011
From Heart to Heart
Okay, I was just doing my assignment just now..and I was like.."I wanna write something. I' do I put it? Misery?"
Sorry for not writing much for about..several months..I've came to my senses. I..can't really put up with blogs and stuffs. Too lazy to write (type!) whatever.
But today, I really, really need to express my feelings. I know if I talk about this to my family or friend, they might say "Aah! Stop wasting your time in stuffs like that." So..I might as well tell to the world :)
Where to start..let see..okay. Today I should attend a gathering. Reunion. But I can't. I have to attend another gathering which is very important and I've choose to attend that. I've never regretted going to that gathering because I wanted to. And its a family gathering which I've been longing for ever since I entered university. And it was fun. I am glad to see them so well and happy. I loved them.
And so, as I logged in my facebook, I saw a picture of the reunion. He was there at the reunion. He was right there, so close, yet so far from me. I was so shocked. Why did he came? When I wasn't there? Like it or not, I've to accept it. The fate that God has arranged for me. Maybe I was not meant to see him at all. I know. I realized it. There! Stop! Enough! Full-stop! But I'm feel a lil bit aggrieved. Its normal. But its so uncool.:)
Sorry for not writing much for about..several months..I've came to my senses. I..can't really put up with blogs and stuffs. Too lazy to write (type!) whatever.
But today, I really, really need to express my feelings. I know if I talk about this to my family or friend, they might say "Aah! Stop wasting your time in stuffs like that." So..I might as well tell to the world :)
Where to start..let see..okay. Today I should attend a gathering. Reunion. But I can't. I have to attend another gathering which is very important and I've choose to attend that. I've never regretted going to that gathering because I wanted to. And its a family gathering which I've been longing for ever since I entered university. And it was fun. I am glad to see them so well and happy. I loved them.
And so, as I logged in my facebook, I saw a picture of the reunion. He was there at the reunion. He was right there, so close, yet so far from me. I was so shocked. Why did he came? When I wasn't there? Like it or not, I've to accept it. The fate that God has arranged for me. Maybe I was not meant to see him at all. I know. I realized it. There! Stop! Enough! Full-stop! But I'm feel a lil bit aggrieved. Its normal. But its so uncool.:)
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Well..some people are fortunate enough...
Ok..Nak tulis dalam bhs melayu? Ok? Thanks!:D
Haha~Actually aku nak bgtau psl ape yg aku pk skang. Aku hari2 la bkak fesbuk ( case u doesn't noe) tgk status kengkawan, ape brite tekini dorg..Ade yg ajak lepak situ sini. Aku pon bce la..Ade 1 tuh...
"Nak pegi ke tak nak ye..." A berkate.
Lalu komen d'bwhnyer menanye, "Lepak mane?"
A pon membalas kembali, "MidValley".
Komen seterusnyer, "MidValley? Asek2 pi situ je..Muak dowh! Pe gi aa Curve ke..."
A pon menjawab, "Mmg la bosan tp situ je tmpt yg sng pegi..Curve xde public..bla3.."
Komen seterusnyer, "Laa..lesen ade, kete ade, ape gune?" and so on...
Listen! Aku bkn nk mengutuk ke ape ke..Serious TAK! :) Sebenarnyer aku jeles. Dorg muak pi MidValley, aku?? MidValley baru 2-3 kali jejak..x pernah bosan. Pi sane cam pi DisneyLand (tu pon x nah pi sbnarnyer, just nk show u how excited I am kalo dapat pi sane) Dorg lg ske lepak Curve, aku?? Curve tu ape? Bola? Aku bygkn org yg pi sana smue dok golek2 pusin2..Best kaa? Aku x tau..Dorg ade lesen, kete, aku?? Lesen tarak apetah lg kete..Ade pon kancil 2 bijik & van berniage bpk aku..Kalo sorg gune kete, smue bnde x jln. Yelah, nk pi kedai bwk barang pkai kete. 1 kancil asek berasap, yang elok just yg 1 lagi tu je...Kang aku pkai, telopong smue kt umah x leh pi kdai..Korg paham ke ape yg aku nk smpaikn nih?
Aku rse sgt jaoooh dgn bebdk nih. Kat skola dlu smue same je. Aku pkai uniform, dorg pkai uniform. Aku dok asrama, dorg dok asrama. Dah abeh skola baru aku nmpk smuenyer. De yg pi vacation kt luar negara mcm Korea, Jordan, it lah! smue ade..Melampau en aku nih? x bersyukur...Aku salu gak pk.."Toksah aa pk cmtu..Ko da de family, mkn ckup, minum ckup, de tmpt tinggal, bole on9 fesbuk tetiap ari..asal nk komplen byk?? de ramaiiiii lg org kt lua x mkn minum." Yeah..totally true. Aku da ade smuenyer. Aku nk tukarkn ke-jeles-an ni dgn azam aku. Aku nk keje yg leh dpt duet byk. Aku nk bg mak bapak aku dok Mekah cam yg dorg harapkan. Aku nk family aku idop senang dunia akhirat. Bia la skang x dpt pi enjoy, lepak tmpat mahal2..Sok luse aku lak yg bkak tmpat mahal2 utk bebdk nih lepak~Haha~ ;)
Haha~Actually aku nak bgtau psl ape yg aku pk skang. Aku hari2 la bkak fesbuk ( case u doesn't noe) tgk status kengkawan, ape brite tekini dorg..Ade yg ajak lepak situ sini. Aku pon bce la..Ade 1 tuh...
"Nak pegi ke tak nak ye..." A berkate.
Lalu komen d'bwhnyer menanye, "Lepak mane?"
A pon membalas kembali, "MidValley".
Komen seterusnyer, "MidValley? Asek2 pi situ je..Muak dowh! Pe gi aa Curve ke..."
A pon menjawab, "Mmg la bosan tp situ je tmpt yg sng pegi..Curve xde public..bla3.."
Komen seterusnyer, "Laa..lesen ade, kete ade, ape gune?" and so on...
Listen! Aku bkn nk mengutuk ke ape ke..Serious TAK! :) Sebenarnyer aku jeles. Dorg muak pi MidValley, aku?? MidValley baru 2-3 kali jejak..x pernah bosan. Pi sane cam pi DisneyLand (tu pon x nah pi sbnarnyer, just nk show u how excited I am kalo dapat pi sane) Dorg lg ske lepak Curve, aku?? Curve tu ape? Bola? Aku bygkn org yg pi sana smue dok golek2 pusin2..Best kaa? Aku x tau..Dorg ade lesen, kete, aku?? Lesen tarak apetah lg kete..Ade pon kancil 2 bijik & van berniage bpk aku..Kalo sorg gune kete, smue bnde x jln. Yelah, nk pi kedai bwk barang pkai kete. 1 kancil asek berasap, yang elok just yg 1 lagi tu je...Kang aku pkai, telopong smue kt umah x leh pi kdai..Korg paham ke ape yg aku nk smpaikn nih?
Aku rse sgt jaoooh dgn bebdk nih. Kat skola dlu smue same je. Aku pkai uniform, dorg pkai uniform. Aku dok asrama, dorg dok asrama. Dah abeh skola baru aku nmpk smuenyer. De yg pi vacation kt luar negara mcm Korea, Jordan, it lah! smue ade..Melampau en aku nih? x bersyukur...Aku salu gak pk.."Toksah aa pk cmtu..Ko da de family, mkn ckup, minum ckup, de tmpt tinggal, bole on9 fesbuk tetiap ari..asal nk komplen byk?? de ramaiiiii lg org kt lua x mkn minum." Yeah..totally true. Aku da ade smuenyer. Aku nk tukarkn ke-jeles-an ni dgn azam aku. Aku nk keje yg leh dpt duet byk. Aku nk bg mak bapak aku dok Mekah cam yg dorg harapkan. Aku nk family aku idop senang dunia akhirat. Bia la skang x dpt pi enjoy, lepak tmpat mahal2..Sok luse aku lak yg bkak tmpat mahal2 utk bebdk nih lepak~Haha~ ;)
Saturday, 30 April 2011
It's been a while~!! Hahaha...I'm sorry for not being able to continue my story. m(_ _)m
Actually my mother has gone to Kelantan to attend baking course. Now it's up to me and my sister to cook and feed the family. So, I've been cooking for the entire week. (I guess?)
Then I watched some movies at night. Here's some screen caps of the movies~:))
BECK (Japanese Movie)
Actually my mother has gone to Kelantan to attend baking course. Now it's up to me and my sister to cook and feed the family. So, I've been cooking for the entire week. (I guess?)
Then I watched some movies at night. Here's some screen caps of the movies~:))
BECK (Japanese Movie)
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac (Japanese Movie)
Well..that's about it..I watched a lot of japanese movies (just realized it!).:)
Thursday, 21 April 2011
She..The One I loved..~Part Four~
" Table three and four, Chikara Udon and Nabeyaki Udon. Also, croquette for table six and nine!" bawled Kitsune. He dashed from one table to another swiftly, taking the customer's order. "Yes! Chikara Udon, Nabeyaki Udon and croquette coming right up!" shouted Junji. 'This man is quite good! Maybe taking him in isn't a bad idea at all!' thought Junji.
The hectic moment slowly became peaceful after lunch hours. Those salarymen and office workers rushed to their office after fulfilling their appetite. "Yahhh...This is great..Having you is really helpful!" praised Junji. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm doing the best I can. It's nothing." Junji laughed happily. "You are a modest man. Good! Well, you may take a break now. We'll be re-opening at 4 o'clock." Junji left Kitsune alone in the living room.
Later, Natsu came out from the kitchen, bringing two cups of tea for the men. "Where is Tou-chan?" asked Natsu. "Dunno. He left I guess," answered Kitsune shortly. "Oh,'s your tea." Kitsune stared at Natsu as she placing those cups on the table. "You're left-handed," said Kitsune. "Well, yes. I am left-handed. Why?" asked Natsu. "Nothing..It's just..I'm left-handed too," said Kitsune with a smile on his face. He reached the cup with his left hand and looked around it. "You know..there's only 10,000 people in this world are left-handed. That means 1 left-handed person is to 100,000 million people of right-handed people in this world." Natsu's eyes were automatically open widely. "Is it true?! Wow..." Kitsune smirked. Then he burst into laughter. "Hahahahaha! Do you really believe that?! Oh man..What an innocent girl...But that's quite cute actually," said Kitsune while sniggering. Natsu exhaled. She's trying to overcome her anger. "But seriously, left-handed is quite rare. Isn't it nice being special?" asked Kitsune while sipping his tea. Natsu looked down at the mat. "I don't wanna be special. I want to be like everyone else." Natsu left the room. "What's up with her?" said Kitsune to himself.
The Udon shop closed exactly at 10 p.m.. The Akagi family gathered in the living room, thanking god for their profits for today. The shop was a part from their house so it was convenient for them to run it.
"It's cold again tonight, huh?" said Kitsune. The Akagi's looked at each other and smiled. "It is the best weather for us. Especially Natsu," said Kyoko. Kitsune confused. "Why? This is super cold weather! Human being could freeze to death! But..thinking of this, I remember..the first time we met. It was as cold as tonight too. It's kinda weird for a family to take a stroll together in such weather." said him. "Well, that's because...." before Junji could finished his sentence, Natsu barged in the conversation. "He didn't need to know. He's not a part of this family," she said and left the room. "Is she okay?" asked Kyoko.
Kitsune walked along the corridor and found Natsu, sitting at the porch. He smiled. "There you are. What's with the sudden anger? Are you in the 'monthly'..." "Oh, shut it! I know what're you going to say. That's not it," Natsu cuts his sentence. "I'm sorry for what happen earlier. That was very rude of me," she apologized. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm not a typical gentleman who will ask you this and that and make you feel better. But..I'm kinda good big brother. I could give some advice for little kids. But I can't help you with woman trouble though...." he said. Natsu laughed. Kitsune also laughing and said, "There you are. It's better than just now." She stood up. "Thank you for your compassion. I'm fine. Well, good night." she bowed and went to her room. Kitsune reclined on the porch.
"Big brother, huh? Never thought I'd be one after that incident.."
To be continued....:D
(The Udon Shop may look like this ^.^)
The hectic moment slowly became peaceful after lunch hours. Those salarymen and office workers rushed to their office after fulfilling their appetite. "Yahhh...This is great..Having you is really helpful!" praised Junji. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm doing the best I can. It's nothing." Junji laughed happily. "You are a modest man. Good! Well, you may take a break now. We'll be re-opening at 4 o'clock." Junji left Kitsune alone in the living room.
Later, Natsu came out from the kitchen, bringing two cups of tea for the men. "Where is Tou-chan?" asked Natsu. "Dunno. He left I guess," answered Kitsune shortly. "Oh,'s your tea." Kitsune stared at Natsu as she placing those cups on the table. "You're left-handed," said Kitsune. "Well, yes. I am left-handed. Why?" asked Natsu. "Nothing..It's just..I'm left-handed too," said Kitsune with a smile on his face. He reached the cup with his left hand and looked around it. "You know..there's only 10,000 people in this world are left-handed. That means 1 left-handed person is to 100,000 million people of right-handed people in this world." Natsu's eyes were automatically open widely. "Is it true?! Wow..." Kitsune smirked. Then he burst into laughter. "Hahahahaha! Do you really believe that?! Oh man..What an innocent girl...But that's quite cute actually," said Kitsune while sniggering. Natsu exhaled. She's trying to overcome her anger. "But seriously, left-handed is quite rare. Isn't it nice being special?" asked Kitsune while sipping his tea. Natsu looked down at the mat. "I don't wanna be special. I want to be like everyone else." Natsu left the room. "What's up with her?" said Kitsune to himself.
The Udon shop closed exactly at 10 p.m.. The Akagi family gathered in the living room, thanking god for their profits for today. The shop was a part from their house so it was convenient for them to run it.
"It's cold again tonight, huh?" said Kitsune. The Akagi's looked at each other and smiled. "It is the best weather for us. Especially Natsu," said Kyoko. Kitsune confused. "Why? This is super cold weather! Human being could freeze to death! But..thinking of this, I remember..the first time we met. It was as cold as tonight too. It's kinda weird for a family to take a stroll together in such weather." said him. "Well, that's because...." before Junji could finished his sentence, Natsu barged in the conversation. "He didn't need to know. He's not a part of this family," she said and left the room. "Is she okay?" asked Kyoko.
(The porch of Natsu's house may look like this)
Kitsune walked along the corridor and found Natsu, sitting at the porch. He smiled. "There you are. What's with the sudden anger? Are you in the 'monthly'..." "Oh, shut it! I know what're you going to say. That's not it," Natsu cuts his sentence. "I'm sorry for what happen earlier. That was very rude of me," she apologized. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm not a typical gentleman who will ask you this and that and make you feel better. But..I'm kinda good big brother. I could give some advice for little kids. But I can't help you with woman trouble though...." he said. Natsu laughed. Kitsune also laughing and said, "There you are. It's better than just now." She stood up. "Thank you for your compassion. I'm fine. Well, good night." she bowed and went to her room. Kitsune reclined on the porch.
"Big brother, huh? Never thought I'd be one after that incident.."
To be continued....:D
Monday, 18 April 2011
The Bounty Hunter
Yo!! The Bounty Hunter..yes. I watched it yesterday with my sister. It's really sweet! Well..maybe I haven't seen a movie for a long time and that's why I enjoyed watching this movie. But anyway, here's some screens cap from the movie~:))
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