Sunday, 10 July 2011

From Heart to Heart

Okay, I was just doing my assignment just now..and I was like.."I wanna write something. I'  do I put it? Misery?"

Sorry for not writing much for about..several months..I've came to my senses. I..can't really put up with blogs and stuffs. Too lazy to write (type!) whatever.

But today, I really, really need to express my feelings. I know if I talk about this to my family or friend, they might say "Aah! Stop wasting your time in stuffs like that." So..I might as well tell to the world :)

Where to start..let see..okay. Today I should attend a gathering. Reunion. But I can't. I have to attend another gathering which is very important and I've choose to attend that. I've never regretted going to that gathering because I wanted to. And its a family gathering which I've been longing for ever since I entered university. And it was fun. I am glad to see them so well and happy. I loved them.

And so, as I logged in my facebook, I saw a picture of the reunion. He was there at the reunion. He was right there, so close, yet so far from me. I was so shocked. Why did he came? When I wasn't there? Like it or not, I've to accept it. The fate that God has arranged for me. Maybe I was not meant to see him at all. I know. I realized it. There! Stop! Enough! Full-stop! But I'm feel a lil bit aggrieved. Its normal. But its so uncool.:)

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