Assalamualaikum...Hey readers.
Lately, I realized something. Ape yg akn ubah aku? Dunia? Atau akhirat?
I see people around me. I observe. Aku bukak facebook. What I see? Many types of people. Once I knew, dlu pkai tudung. Skang tak. Why? I dunno. Ask them.
People change, from time to time. What makes them change? The World.
U know, dunia could be a scary place sometimes. Kite sng je leka. Tak yah masuk citer pegi kelab malam, minum arak, brothel smue2. Kat rumah pon bole leka dgn dunia. Example? Internet.
Seriously? Why? Aku pkai ok je. Tak de leka. Solat jage. Tak tgk pon porn2 ke, bende x elok. Tak smue la weyh...Maybe. Tapi ape yg aku nmpk, ade tuh 1 hari tgk utube. Tah ape rancangan pon aku x tau. Seronok ke? Lawak sme taraf dgn 'maharaja lawak' je..Tgk smpai lewat malam. Pastu pagi esok xleh bgn subuh. Stay up, stay up jgk. Tapi subuh tu jgn la tggl. Look. Kalau xde org kejut die n mmg mse tuh die x seda lgsg bole la qada solatnyer. Tapi! Dah kejut byk kali, die da seda da pon..still x nk bangun. Aku sedih la wei...
See? Even duk umah je pon bole lekakan kite. What about sebaliknyer? Mase kt boarding school, baek, pkai tudung, solat, doa khusyuk! But now? Shes wearing a bikini! Tank top! And proudly present herself to the public. I don't want to burukkan name die but..she has done it herself. I was really, really scared that will happen to the muslims..How are we gonna face our Creator, the Almighty in the afterlife?
I was so so scared of the world. Bukan maksud aku takut ape. Aku..tak nak dunia ubah aku. Yes, mungkin aku seda skang tapi? What about the next day? Next hour? or even..sesaat lagi? Will I remember these things?
Look, if you out there reading my blog, no matter what religion are you, Don't ever let the world changes
you. Living in the world, needs money. Living in the world, needs somebody to be there with you. Living in the world, needs beliefs. And that is..the one and only. =)
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