Saturday, 30 July 2011

Dream..Dream..When will it come true? =_=

Hello, minna-san~ \(^o^)/

Today is a great day as usual. I woke up 11.00 a.m. in the morning and started doing chores. I feel great! This is mostly because of the dream I dreamt about last night. I dreamt about KAT-TUN!! XD What a kya! kya! dream~~ Okay, let me tell you guys about it.

After they (KAT-TUN) finished doing concert near my house, I came to Nakamaru Yuichi. I spoke in I-just-learn-Japanese-language kind of way to him. I said, "Nakamaru, can I get your autographs?" He looked back at me but then he turned back. He waved his hand to define that he ignoring me. What a total jerk he is in my dream....=__= But I insisted. I went after him and said,"Can you just give me your autograph? As a return. (In my dream, which I dunno why, I lend my 'bungalow' to KAT-TUN as their shelter.) Pretty awesome huh? XD Nakamaru turned at me and he signed my book. Haha~~ <3

The best part is Ueda Tatsuya. When I saw him in my dream, I asked for his autographs too. (I wonder why I don't request any other, hugs..KYAA!!XD) He looked at me with his angelic smile~~Aughh..I'm dead..\(*o*)/ He wrote his number too but I didn't see it clearly...(Why..Why..(T-T)..) But he is a gentleman..unlike Nakamaru! :D Hahaha~~

I spoke with Taguchi Junnosuke too~ He corrected my Japanese and he was very cool! Yeah! Tanaka Koki too. He simply signed for me without hesitation. Kamenashi Kazuya...didn't see him though. But I saw his autographs in my book. After all that, they went back to who-knows-where in my dream..Awww..I felt so sad because I wanna see them again.. What an unsatisfying dream...

wawawawawa~~~ Uepi~~XD

Its only in your dream silly...Hahaha~ But its seems so real! >.<

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