Saturday, 30 April 2011


It's been a while~!! Hahaha...I'm sorry for not being able to continue my story. m(_ _)m

Actually my mother has gone to Kelantan to attend baking course. Now it's up to me and my sister to cook and feed the family. So, I've been cooking for the entire week. (I guess?)

Then I watched some movies at night. Here's some screen caps of the movies~:))

BECK (Japanese Movie)

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac (Japanese Movie)

Well..that's about it..I watched a lot of japanese movies (just realized it!).:)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

She..The One I loved..~Part Four~

" Table three and four, Chikara Udon and Nabeyaki Udon. Also, croquette for table six and nine!" bawled Kitsune. He dashed from one table to another swiftly, taking the customer's order. "Yes!  Chikara Udon, Nabeyaki Udon and croquette coming right up!" shouted Junji. 'This man is quite good! Maybe taking him in isn't a bad idea at all!' thought Junji.

(The Udon Shop may look like this ^.^)

The hectic moment slowly became peaceful after lunch hours. Those salarymen and office workers rushed to their office after fulfilling their appetite. "Yahhh...This is great..Having you is really helpful!" praised Junji. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm doing the best I can. It's nothing." Junji laughed happily. "You are a modest man. Good! Well, you may take a break now. We'll be re-opening at 4 o'clock." Junji left Kitsune alone in the living room.

Later, Natsu came out from the kitchen, bringing two cups of tea for the men. "Where is Tou-chan?" asked Natsu. "Dunno. He left I guess," answered Kitsune shortly. "Oh,'s your tea." Kitsune stared at Natsu as she placing those cups on the table. "You're left-handed," said Kitsune. "Well, yes. I am left-handed. Why?" asked Natsu. "Nothing..It's just..I'm left-handed too," said Kitsune with a smile on his face. He reached the cup with his left hand and looked around it. "You know..there's only 10,000 people in this world are left-handed. That means 1 left-handed person is to 100,000 million people of right-handed people in this world." Natsu's eyes were automatically open widely. "Is it true?! Wow..." Kitsune smirked. Then he burst into laughter. "Hahahahaha! Do you really believe that?! Oh man..What an innocent girl...But that's quite cute actually," said Kitsune while sniggering. Natsu exhaled. She's trying to overcome her anger. "But seriously, left-handed is quite rare. Isn't it nice being special?" asked Kitsune while sipping his tea. Natsu looked down at the mat. "I don't wanna be special. I want to be like everyone else." Natsu left the room. "What's up with her?" said Kitsune to himself.

The Udon shop closed exactly at 10 p.m.. The Akagi family gathered in the living room, thanking god for their  profits for today. The shop was a part from their house so it was convenient for them to run it.

"It's cold again tonight, huh?" said Kitsune. The Akagi's looked at each other and smiled. "It is the best weather for us. Especially Natsu," said Kyoko. Kitsune confused. "Why? This is super cold weather! Human being could freeze to death! But..thinking of this, I remember..the first time we met. It was as cold as tonight too. It's kinda weird for a family to take a stroll together in such weather." said him. "Well, that's because...." before Junji could finished his sentence, Natsu barged in the conversation. "He didn't need to know. He's not a part of this family," she said and left the room. "Is she okay?" asked Kyoko.

(The porch of Natsu's house may look like this)

Kitsune walked along the corridor and found Natsu, sitting at the porch. He smiled. "There you are. What's with the sudden anger? Are you in the 'monthly'..." "Oh, shut it! I know what're you going to say. That's not it," Natsu cuts his sentence. "I'm sorry for what happen earlier. That was very rude of me," she apologized. Kitsune chuckled. "I'm not a typical gentleman who will ask you this and that and make you feel better. But..I'm kinda good big brother. I could give some advice for little kids. But I can't help you with woman trouble though...." he said. Natsu laughed. Kitsune also laughing and said, "There you are. It's better than just now." She stood up. "Thank you for your compassion. I'm fine. Well, good night." she bowed and went to her room. Kitsune reclined on the porch.

"Big brother, huh? Never thought I'd be one after that incident.."

To be continued....:D

Monday, 18 April 2011

The Bounty Hunter

Yo!! The Bounty Hunter..yes. I watched it yesterday with my sister. It's really sweet! Well..maybe I haven't seen a movie for a long time and that's why I enjoyed watching this movie. But anyway, here's some screens cap from the movie~:))

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Well I'm angry!! :(

See the title? Haha!... Well...Actually I don't want to say this's driving me CRAZY!! (>_<) I had to do a double shifts today. Seriously? On Sunday? When all working people rest, have a sweet vacation with their loved ones...Yeap..I'm serious.

I tried not to complain because complaining and nagging is so uncool. But HEY! This is too much! This is not working 'part-time'. This guys can finish the sentence. (-___-) I mean seriously guys, if your kid wants to work part-time...think about it over and over again. Talk properly with them so that they understand the real thing about working. If they insist, heh, well just approve it. Let them know how hard it is to get money. (^^,)

Why I said all of this stuffs? Well I experienced it. I wouldn't say it if I don't know how sucks it is. Okay. How about a selfish, unreasonable and 'gedik' person become your boss? Well I respected him..AT FIRST! Then I was like.."Oh..So that's why my senior co-workers said that..." Haha!...Huh? That's okay with you guys because you guys had a more selfish, unreasonable and 'gedik' boss?? O.O well..I couldn't say anything about that....(-__-")

I love money..but I also love myself. I don't want to sacrifice my holiday, vacation, family and friends because of this stupid...ARGHHH!! Huhh..Okay...Sorry for being so emotional.

But the good things I learned here are..

  • First, I learned how to save money:
It really worked you know. I kept my first salary in my save.(still doesn't have time to go to the bank..(-__-")) Knowing how hard to get money, I've learned to become stingy. Haha! Not stingy, just..thrifty~ (^_^)

  • Second, I learned that never judge a person based on his/her appearence:
Yeah..never ever judged anything by it's cover. Really? Is it possible? Why not? Because..It will make you feel terrible about yourself. You will become like, " he/she is like this..Oh how terrible I am for thinking those thing" Happen to you? Yes I am sure all of you do. But it's normal, to judge people. Just...try to not doing it often! (^^,)

  • Third, I learned to be more patient:
Patient? Why? Am I a hot-tempered girl before? Well..not exactly..It's just, I learned to control my feelings and anger (well right now it's bursting~) When a customer scolded me, I smiled. When my annoying boss irritates me, I kept smiling. Why? I have two reasons. First, I respect them as elders. Second, I don't want to humiliate my family's name. It's important isn't it?

  • Fourth, I learned to be more responsible:
Yeah..This is the most important thing that I've learned. I go to work even I hated it. I do what my boss told me to do even I hated him. I work overtime even I don't want to. Why? Because it's responsibility. (^^,) It's important to have a great sense of responsibility when you're an adult.

Many good things ain't it? I don't even know whether it is good or bad by having a part-time work. This job isn't so bad actually. But the working hours is just too much...m(_ _)m

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Hey Hey Hey~

Good morning. There's not much to say actually. Today I overslept. I came to work around 9.30 a.m. which is quite late. Luckily my co-worker didn't mind. But still..I felt really guilty. x(

I've made up my mind. I will take any opportunity that comes to me. I know it's not easy for me to receive any scholarship with my result.:)

My father said after all of his children have a stable life, he will move to Mecca, along with my mother and my autistic brother. So I want to make a lot of money. I want them to live happily in Mecca. If I has to become an accountant, forensic scientist, or even a mere labourer, I wouldn't mind. As long as they are happy, I'll be happy. (God willing!:D)

Why I am being sentimental? Hahaha~ :') Okay! I will start write another episode of 'She...The One I loved' as soon I quit working~ :DD

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Is this okay? :(

After a full blast of work yesterday, I had completely worn-out. I slept for like...10 hours? =_= I woke up when I heard my phone rang. My uncle called. OMG..please...I just woke up..I passed the phone to my father. Several minutes later, my father said, "He asked about the form, Have you completed it? He's going to see you to talk about the scholarship at your workplace." Oh no...What in the world...

Don't misunderstand. I am very grateful to my uncle for finding me a scholarship. But, the course offered was accounting, business management and such. I don't like counting numbers! Huhh...but, based on my SPM result, I don't think getting a scholarship is going to be easy. So I guess, I'm going to take it? Well I don't know.........m(_ _)m

Japanese corner!!

Good morning everyone!

Ah! Our time is different...

ごめん! ごめん! (>,<)
Sorry! Sorry!

実话, 私は日本で勉強したい.
Actually, I want to study in Japan.

しかし、それが 无理...だって 私はダメです.
But, it's impossible...because I am no good.

それは大丈夫だ! 私はやっていきます私の最高の~ 
It's okay! I will do my best~


Monday, 4 April 2011

Good Day~:DD

おはよう! \(^0^)/

It's a super fine day isn't it? I'm working right now. It's going to be a busy day~! But it's okay. Working in a cyber cafe is kinda tiring but you can surfing the internet as long as you wish...because it's FREE! ahaha!~(>.<) 

The first episode of 'She..The One I loved' has already finished. How's it? Is it good? Or boring? You can leave your comment. I'll gladly accept any critcism! (^_^)

I'll post another episode soon. Be sure to check it out! ('_<)v

Japanese corner!!

こんにちは皆, ナナ.
Hi everyone, I'm Nana.

I really want to write in Japanese language.

But I'dont know how to write it! 

So I'm using the Google translator...

I hope you guys will understand it!


She..The One I loved..~Part Three~

"Okay Akagi-san. You can go home now. It's rare to see a person could walk properly after being seriously hit like you," said a nurse. Junji laughed. "My two princesses are all by themselves. I can't possibly rest here, leaving them all alone," said Junji with a smile on his face.

"Tou-chan! Are you okay?" asked Natsu, worried about her father's condition. Kyoko held Junji's arm and supported him. Junji looked at his family's faces. He was very relieved everyone were okay. Then he noticed a man standing quietly behind Natsu. "Who is this man, Kyoko?" asked Junji. "Ah! This is the gentleman that saved us. His name is Ookami Kitsune-san," said Kyoko. Kitsune step foward and reach out his hand to Junji. They both shook hands.

"Thank you so much for saving us. We're indebted to you," said Junji, bowing to Kitsune. "Well, I never thought it that way actually..." said Kitsune half-heartedly. "I already asked him for a dinner to show our gratitude," said Kyoko cheerfully. "Well that's great Kyoko! But then, who will ever thought a person like you would save people. I guessed we should never ever jugded a book by it's cover right?" laughed Junji. Kitsune gave a small grin. "Yeah..People always said that to me," said Kitsune while laughing bitterly. He stopped laughing when he heard a small chuckles behind him. Kitsune turned his head around. Natsu realized Kitsune was staring at her. She coughed a bit and continued looking at the floor. "What a weird girl..." thought Kitsune.

They arrived at Akagi's. It was a small udon shop. Kitsune was very attracted to the shop's sign. It says, '夏の幸せ'

"Here, have this Zaru Udon. Mine is the best in this town ya know!" bragged Junji. Kitsune tried a bit. "Whoa! This is superb!" he praised. He ate the Zaru Udon  hungrily. Junji laughed. "I like this man! What do you do for living?" asked Junji. Kyoko pat Junji's back. "Honey, it's rude to ask that!" whispered Kyoko. "I got fired. And I was kicked out from my home this morning," Kitsune simply answered. Both of them were dumbfounded by his answer. Junji looked at Kyoko's face, probably regretting his question.

" want an employee right? Since you're getting could use a hand around here..." said Natsu stuttered. Kyoko and Junji looked at each other. "You're right. But..." Junji hesitated. Eventhough this man had saved them, he still didn't know about his background. Is he trustworthy? Is he an ex-criminal? Just look at his appearance. Messy hairdo, sloppy clothing, unshaved beard. "Well, I'm still a judgemental person. It can't be helped," thought Junji to himself.

"Do you want to work here?" asked Junji. Kitsune smirked. "If you want to employ me, that would be great," said Kitsune. Junji inhaled deeply. "This guy seems shady. Well, if it wasn't you who helped us.." thought Junji. "Okay, in order to repay your kindness, I will employ you for a month. You may stay here until you get a new home. But only for a month," said Junji firmly. Kitsune chortled. "Whoa..What goes around does come around. Thank you so much Akagi-san," thanked Kitsune. He bowed to show respect and expressing his gratefulness to Junji.

"Is this okay?" thought Junji.

To be continued...:DD

Sunday, 3 April 2011

She..The One I loved..~Part Two~

Punch! Kick! Whamps! "Tou-chan!!!" Natsu screamed her heart out. Junji was lying on the ground. Helpless. The thugs continued kicking and smashing Junji, ignoring Natsu and Kyoko's cries. Then suddenly....

"Take this!" A flying kick came out from nowhere. "Argghhh!!" One of the thugs fell. The flying-kick man smacked their faces one by one. Natsu was very stunned. She barely saw the man's face. All she could see was a messy-black hair covering the man's face. He punched and bashed all of the thugs. The one that was holding Natsu all this time outraged. "Son of a b****! I'll show 'im!" He released Natsu forcefully, making her toppled down onto the ground and rushed towards him.

"Watch out! Behind you!" Natsu yelled. As the man turned around, the thug attacked him from behind. "Arghh!" shout the man as he tumbled down. The thug pulled out a knife from his pocket. He smirked and said, "This is what you get for trying to be a hero! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Suddenly they heard a loud siren. "The police! They came!" cried Natsu. "Hands up! Everybody get down on your knees! Quick!" said the policemen. They rushed towards each and everyone and cuffed them. Two policewomen hustled towards Kyoko and Natsu. All of them were taken to the police station except Junji. He was taken to the hospital to receive treatment.

"Thanks for your hardwork. I've called the hospital. Your husband is in a good condition. We can take you and your daughter to the hospital," said the police officer. Kyoko was very relieved to hear the news. "Let's go Natsu-chan. We'll see Tou-chan," said Kyoko. Natsu gave a spaced-out look. "Natsu! We're going to see Tou-chan. Do you hear me?" asked Kyoko. Natsu blinked. "O..Okay..let's.."

As they walked out from the police station, they saw the man that saved them. He was about to walk away when Kyoko called him. "Mister! Wait!" The man turned around. "Thank you so much for saving us! We're in a great debt to you," Kyoko thanked him. The man scratched his head. "Great debt huh...? Well I.." "We're going to fetch my husband at the hospital. Would you like to stay for dinner?" asked Kyoko before the man could finished his words. The man chuckled. "That would be my pleasure," he said. Kyoko smiled and nodded. Natsu kept silent as mouse from the start. She grabbed Kyoko's arm tightly. "Natsu-chan,you're hurting me. Oh and by the way, what is your name, mister?"

The man turned and said," It's Ookami...Ookami Kitsune"

To be continued...:DD

Saturday, 2 April 2011

She..The One I loved..~Part One~

The weather is super cold. It's the middle of winter which is the peak of the coldness. A messy-hair, unshaved moustache guy ran quickly to a nearby residency. He took a key out of his pocket. 'Please leave the premise today' says a note attached at his front door. He sighed as the note clearly says 'to Ookami Kitsune-san'. The landlord is seriously going to throw him out. He entered the house and packed his stuffs. "This is sucks. Where will I sleep tonight?" he thought. Ookami sets off to a journey in a shivering-cold night,wandering where will he stayed for the night.

"We should take the bus honey. The road is so dark. I heard that there's a thugs around this neighbourhood. And they are notorious!" said Mrs. Akagi Kyoko. Mr. Akagi Junji laughed. "I'm here! They would never bother us. Relax. Besides, Natsu-chan is having a great time. She asked me to take her out for a walk. Right Natsu-chan?" Junji looked at his daughter. Natsu grabbed a hand full of snow and wiped it onto her face. She jumped and danced joyfully all around the snowy road. Both of her parents laughed. "Look at her. She doesn't hear us," said Kyoko. Natsu walked past her parents. "Ka-chan! Look at this beautiful flower. It blooms in winter. It's Winter Sakura. Pretty isn't it?" said Natsu. Her mother smiled. Deep in her heart, she felt sorry for her daughter. Kyoko repress her feelings and inhaled deeply.

"Tou-chan! Ka-chan! Let's go to the park nearby!" said Natsu cheerfully. "Haha..Alright my dear,"replied Junji. "No! Let's go home. It's already 7.00 p.m..Come on Natsu," asked Kyoko. "Just a moment Ka-chan..." and suddenly Natsu hands were grabbed roughly. She turned around and saw a pair of big, scary-looking eyes were staring at her. " NATSU!!!!" yelled Junji. He ran towards Natsu and knocked the thug. The thug only budged a little. He smiled. Kyoko looked around. They were surrounded by a gang of horrendous-looking guys whom Kyoko believes, the rest of the thugs. "Oh no..What are we going to do now?" cried Kyoko. One of the thugs charged at Junji and smacked him down. "Tou-chan!!! You bastards!!" shouted Natsu. She tried to punch the thug but he resisted easily. He counter-attacked Natsu by trampling her down. "Natsu! Let her go you son of a b****!" snapped Junji. ""cried Natsu.

"What the hell is that?" whispered Kitsune.

To be continue....:DD

Friday, 1 April 2011

helo bloggy!:D

Good morning!! Hi, my name is Nurul Farhana. I'm Malaysian.:D i just started blogging haha..thank God..i've been struggling to make my own blog since yesterday. i almost gave up! but i tried to do it again..and it worked! :DD happy~so! i'm going to write a story. it's about a girl named Akagi Natsu who has a strange disease. She can't be exposed to the sunlight as well as warm weather. She only can go outside when it's winter. Then there's a troubled guy named Ookami Kitsune. They met when Ookami saved the Akagi families. Since then, they become great friends. If you wish to know the rest of the story, follow me as i will write the story chapter by chapter! :D