Thursday, 7 April 2011

Hey Hey Hey~

Good morning. There's not much to say actually. Today I overslept. I came to work around 9.30 a.m. which is quite late. Luckily my co-worker didn't mind. But still..I felt really guilty. x(

I've made up my mind. I will take any opportunity that comes to me. I know it's not easy for me to receive any scholarship with my result.:)

My father said after all of his children have a stable life, he will move to Mecca, along with my mother and my autistic brother. So I want to make a lot of money. I want them to live happily in Mecca. If I has to become an accountant, forensic scientist, or even a mere labourer, I wouldn't mind. As long as they are happy, I'll be happy. (God willing!:D)

Why I am being sentimental? Hahaha~ :') Okay! I will start write another episode of 'She...The One I loved' as soon I quit working~ :DD

1 comment:

  1. ko mmg suke tido..hahahhah..try aku tiru ko sikit la aku..
