Friday, 1 April 2011

helo bloggy!:D

Good morning!! Hi, my name is Nurul Farhana. I'm Malaysian.:D i just started blogging haha..thank God..i've been struggling to make my own blog since yesterday. i almost gave up! but i tried to do it again..and it worked! :DD happy~so! i'm going to write a story. it's about a girl named Akagi Natsu who has a strange disease. She can't be exposed to the sunlight as well as warm weather. She only can go outside when it's winter. Then there's a troubled guy named Ookami Kitsune. They met when Ookami saved the Akagi families. Since then, they become great friends. If you wish to know the rest of the story, follow me as i will write the story chapter by chapter! :D

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