Monday, 4 April 2011

Good Day~:DD

おはよう! \(^0^)/

It's a super fine day isn't it? I'm working right now. It's going to be a busy day~! But it's okay. Working in a cyber cafe is kinda tiring but you can surfing the internet as long as you wish...because it's FREE! ahaha!~(>.<) 

The first episode of 'She..The One I loved' has already finished. How's it? Is it good? Or boring? You can leave your comment. I'll gladly accept any critcism! (^_^)

I'll post another episode soon. Be sure to check it out! ('_<)v

Japanese corner!!

こんにちは皆, ナナ.
Hi everyone, I'm Nana.

I really want to write in Japanese language.

But I'dont know how to write it! 

So I'm using the Google translator...

I hope you guys will understand it!


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