Sunday, 3 April 2011

She..The One I loved..~Part Two~

Punch! Kick! Whamps! "Tou-chan!!!" Natsu screamed her heart out. Junji was lying on the ground. Helpless. The thugs continued kicking and smashing Junji, ignoring Natsu and Kyoko's cries. Then suddenly....

"Take this!" A flying kick came out from nowhere. "Argghhh!!" One of the thugs fell. The flying-kick man smacked their faces one by one. Natsu was very stunned. She barely saw the man's face. All she could see was a messy-black hair covering the man's face. He punched and bashed all of the thugs. The one that was holding Natsu all this time outraged. "Son of a b****! I'll show 'im!" He released Natsu forcefully, making her toppled down onto the ground and rushed towards him.

"Watch out! Behind you!" Natsu yelled. As the man turned around, the thug attacked him from behind. "Arghh!" shout the man as he tumbled down. The thug pulled out a knife from his pocket. He smirked and said, "This is what you get for trying to be a hero! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Suddenly they heard a loud siren. "The police! They came!" cried Natsu. "Hands up! Everybody get down on your knees! Quick!" said the policemen. They rushed towards each and everyone and cuffed them. Two policewomen hustled towards Kyoko and Natsu. All of them were taken to the police station except Junji. He was taken to the hospital to receive treatment.

"Thanks for your hardwork. I've called the hospital. Your husband is in a good condition. We can take you and your daughter to the hospital," said the police officer. Kyoko was very relieved to hear the news. "Let's go Natsu-chan. We'll see Tou-chan," said Kyoko. Natsu gave a spaced-out look. "Natsu! We're going to see Tou-chan. Do you hear me?" asked Kyoko. Natsu blinked. "O..Okay..let's.."

As they walked out from the police station, they saw the man that saved them. He was about to walk away when Kyoko called him. "Mister! Wait!" The man turned around. "Thank you so much for saving us! We're in a great debt to you," Kyoko thanked him. The man scratched his head. "Great debt huh...? Well I.." "We're going to fetch my husband at the hospital. Would you like to stay for dinner?" asked Kyoko before the man could finished his words. The man chuckled. "That would be my pleasure," he said. Kyoko smiled and nodded. Natsu kept silent as mouse from the start. She grabbed Kyoko's arm tightly. "Natsu-chan,you're hurting me. Oh and by the way, what is your name, mister?"

The man turned and said," It's Ookami...Ookami Kitsune"

To be continued...:DD

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