Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Is this okay? :(

After a full blast of work yesterday, I had completely worn-out. I slept for like...10 hours? =_= I woke up when I heard my phone rang. My uncle called. OMG..please...I just woke up..I passed the phone to my father. Several minutes later, my father said, "He asked about the form, Have you completed it? He's going to see you to talk about the scholarship at your workplace." Oh no...What in the world...

Don't misunderstand. I am very grateful to my uncle for finding me a scholarship. But, the course offered was accounting, business management and such. I don't like counting numbers! Huhh...but, based on my SPM result, I don't think getting a scholarship is going to be easy. So I guess, I'm going to take it? Well I don't know.........m(_ _)m

Japanese corner!!

Good morning everyone!

Ah! Our time is different...

ごめん! ごめん! (>,<)
Sorry! Sorry!

実话, 私は日本で勉強したい.
Actually, I want to study in Japan.

しかし、それが 无理...だって 私はダメです.
But, it's impossible...because I am no good.

それは大丈夫だ! 私はやっていきます私の最高の~ 
It's okay! I will do my best~


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