Sunday, 10 April 2011

Well I'm angry!! :(

See the title? Haha!... Well...Actually I don't want to say this's driving me CRAZY!! (>_<) I had to do a double shifts today. Seriously? On Sunday? When all working people rest, have a sweet vacation with their loved ones...Yeap..I'm serious.

I tried not to complain because complaining and nagging is so uncool. But HEY! This is too much! This is not working 'part-time'. This guys can finish the sentence. (-___-) I mean seriously guys, if your kid wants to work part-time...think about it over and over again. Talk properly with them so that they understand the real thing about working. If they insist, heh, well just approve it. Let them know how hard it is to get money. (^^,)

Why I said all of this stuffs? Well I experienced it. I wouldn't say it if I don't know how sucks it is. Okay. How about a selfish, unreasonable and 'gedik' person become your boss? Well I respected him..AT FIRST! Then I was like.."Oh..So that's why my senior co-workers said that..." Haha!...Huh? That's okay with you guys because you guys had a more selfish, unreasonable and 'gedik' boss?? O.O well..I couldn't say anything about that....(-__-")

I love money..but I also love myself. I don't want to sacrifice my holiday, vacation, family and friends because of this stupid...ARGHHH!! Huhh..Okay...Sorry for being so emotional.

But the good things I learned here are..

  • First, I learned how to save money:
It really worked you know. I kept my first salary in my save.(still doesn't have time to go to the bank..(-__-")) Knowing how hard to get money, I've learned to become stingy. Haha! Not stingy, just..thrifty~ (^_^)

  • Second, I learned that never judge a person based on his/her appearence:
Yeah..never ever judged anything by it's cover. Really? Is it possible? Why not? Because..It will make you feel terrible about yourself. You will become like, " he/she is like this..Oh how terrible I am for thinking those thing" Happen to you? Yes I am sure all of you do. But it's normal, to judge people. Just...try to not doing it often! (^^,)

  • Third, I learned to be more patient:
Patient? Why? Am I a hot-tempered girl before? Well..not exactly..It's just, I learned to control my feelings and anger (well right now it's bursting~) When a customer scolded me, I smiled. When my annoying boss irritates me, I kept smiling. Why? I have two reasons. First, I respect them as elders. Second, I don't want to humiliate my family's name. It's important isn't it?

  • Fourth, I learned to be more responsible:
Yeah..This is the most important thing that I've learned. I go to work even I hated it. I do what my boss told me to do even I hated him. I work overtime even I don't want to. Why? Because it's responsibility. (^^,) It's important to have a great sense of responsibility when you're an adult.

Many good things ain't it? I don't even know whether it is good or bad by having a part-time work. This job isn't so bad actually. But the working hours is just too much...m(_ _)m


  1. nana..i learned how to habiskan duet..hahaha..ko msti xblaja tu kan..??huhuhu

  2. Hahaha~:D syg kot duet...aku simpan je smue duet yg aku dpt..:P
